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10 tips to help you maintain proper posture at your computer

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Picture by Shutterstock

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It is very important to keep your posture correct when using a computer to avoid strain and discomfort when working or playing for extended periods.

There is a growing population that spends a lot of time in front of computer displays, so it's critical to understand the potential effects on one's physical health.

Nonetheless, people can greatly enhance their posture and lower their chance of having unfavourable effects by implementing a few easy habits.

Key takeaways:

  • An ergonomic workstation comprising a good office chair and standing desk will help maintain natural body alignment.
  • Regular breaks and exercises (motion) contribute to proper posture and muscle health.
  • Accessories such as monitor arms will allow you to set your computer screen at the ideal height and distance to minimise slouching and tired eyes.

What does proper posture mean?

The right alignment and placement of the body while standing, sitting, or moving is referred to as proper posture. It entails preserving the spine's natural curvature, keeping the shoulders relaxed and back, and lining up the head, neck, and pelvis in a balanced manner.

Proper posture helps avoid pain and injury by distributing the body's weight evenly and easing the pressure on muscles and ligaments.

Sitting upright, with the back supported and shoulders relaxed, is the definition of good posture. The knees should be at or slightly below hip level, and the feet should lie flat on the floor or supported by a footrest.

The elbows should be bent to about a 90-degree angle, and the arms should rest comfortably with the head in line with the spine.

A straight line between the ears, shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles is the ideal standing posture. To support the spine, the chest should be raised, and the abdominal muscles should be slightly contracted.

With toes pointed forward and heels slightly apart, the feet should have an equal distribution of weight.

Follow these tips to achieve the ideal posture (bonus tips at the end)

Tip 1 - Maintain a neutral spine

Sit up straight and visualise your spine lengthening as if a string were gently drawn from the top of your head. Maintain a relaxed posture, with your shoulders neither hunched over nor drawn back excessively. To maintain a neutral spine, slightly contract your core muscles. Refrain from overly arching your back, as this can put undue tension on your lower back muscles.

Tip 2 - Feet on the floor

Make sure your feet are flat on the floor or a footrest and your thighs are parallel to the ground by adjusting the height of your chair. To encourage healthy blood circulation, your knees should ideally be around the hip level or slightly below. When your hands are comfortably resting on your keyboard, raise or lower the height of your chair such that your elbows make a 90-degree angle. If you use a standing desk, here's a good desk height calculator to work it out.

Tip 3 - Get the ideal monitor position

The ideal method to position your monitor is to hold it right in front of you, approximately an arm's length away. To avoid neck strain, the top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level. To comfortably observe the display without leaning your head up or down, adjust its height and tilt. If a riser or monitor stand is required to reach the ideal height, think about using one.

Tip 4 - Choose an ergonomic keyboard and mouse

Look for a mechanical keyboard and mouse that let you use your hands in a relaxed, natural position and offer adequate wrist support. Wrists should be straight when typing or using a mouse, not bowed in either direction. To ease the strain on your wrists and forearms, think about utilising gel-supported mouse pads and keyboard wrist rests.

Tip 5 - Take regular breaks

Make sure you take regular breaks by setting a timer or using software that prompts you to do so every 30 to 60 minutes. Stand up and stretch your arms, shoulders, neck, and back between breaks. To release stress and enhance circulation, try some easy exercises like wrist rotations, neck stretches, and shoulder rolls.

Tip 6 - Follow the 20-20-20 rule

Put the 20-20-20 guideline into practice by looking at anything at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. This lessens eye strain and keeps your eyes from getting tired from staring at screens for extended periods of time. To keep your eyes moist and lower your risk of dryness and discomfort, blink often.

Tip 7 - Keep your elbows near to your body

Align your elbows at a 90-degree bend, and keep your keyboard and mouse close to your sides. To avoid straining your shoulders and upper back muscles, try not to extend your arm too far forward or outward when using your input devices. Reduce the amount of strain on your tendons and ligaments by keeping your wrists in a neutral position.

Tip 8 - Support your lower back

To preserve the natural curve of your spine, lay a cushion or rolled-up towel behind your lower back or choose a chair with adjustable lumbar support. Long periods of time spent sitting without back support should be avoided, as this can cause discomfort and put more strain on your spinal discs.

Tip 9 - Don't cross your legs

Stay away from crossing your legs by sitting with your knees at hip level or slightly below, with both feet flat on the floor or on a footrest. Leg crossing might impair blood flow and put undue strain on your hips and lower back. To guarantee ideal leg placement and support, use a footrest or change the height of your chair if needed.

Tip 10 - Be aware of your posture

Check your posture frequently during the day, especially if you spend a lot of time on a computer. If necessary, use mirrors or ask a coworker to give you comments on your posture. To help you continuously maintain a healthy posture, think about employing apps or posture correction gadgets that offer real-time feedback.

Other considerations to improve your posture

Besides having the right posture, sometimes it takes a bit more to achieve and maintain an ergonomic setup. Here is a quick list of the things you can do to help you along the way.

Upgrade your chair and desk

If you are still using an old, tattered, and torn chair and desk won't offer you the ability to make adjustments to suit your body, then it simply isn't worth using them. Ideally, buying a good ergonomic office chair will give you the ability to achieve the right posture.

Conversely, investing in the right stand-up desk will allow you to take a break from sitting all the time.

Buy the right desk accessories

Choosing the appropriate standing accessories can significantly enhance your workstation's functionality, comfort level, and productivity. For instance, you can quickly adjust the height of your computer screen to meet your needs by installing a monitor arm.

You can opt to view the monitor from different positions by using some monitor arms that let you laterally swing your device from side to side (e.g. your ergonomic chair when working versus a nearby adjacent sofa to watch Netflix).

If you prefer an Australian manufacturer of quality desk accessories, then UpDown would be the ideal starting point.

Cushion your feet

Wearing cosy shoes or thick socks is one option; another is to spend money on a high-quality anti-fatigue mat. Anti-fatigue mats provide a cushioned, supporting surface for you to stand on when utilising an electric standing desk, reducing strain on your legs, feet, and joints.

Anti-fatigue mats ease discomfort, especially in the feet, and promote improved posture and circulation when standing for extended periods of time.

Increase standing time...slowly

You won't be standing at your desk all the time since your body is simply not prepared for it yet. Success with standing desks will come from shorter standing times.

Over the course of a few weeks, progressively increase this from the first 15 minutes every two or three hours. The ultimate objective is to spend a total of three to four hours a day standing upright at your workstation.

Set reminders or alarms

Even with the best of intentions, remembering to take regular activity breaks can be challenging. It takes time to develop the habit of taking breaks and improving your work ergonomics.

You can use any of the many timers and reminders that are available to you to help you remember to take breaks from moving to support you as you develop healthy habits.

Setting a timer for thirty minutes of work is one way. Set a second timer for five minutes after the first one goes off to dedicate yourself to a movement break.

The benefits of proper posture

Numerous advantages of good posture exist for general well-being and physical health:

  • Decreased risk of musculoskeletal issues: Maintaining good posture helps the body's weight be distributed uniformly, which lessens the strain on the joints, muscles, and ligaments. This lessens the chance of experiencing musculoskeletal problems such as shoulder tightness, neck stiffness, back discomfort, and others.
  • Better spinal health: Proper posture preserves the spine's natural curves, which helps to maintain spinal alignment and lowers the risk of disc herniation, degeneration, and misalignment. Additionally, it aids in the prevention of disorders like lordosis, or an excessive inward curvature of the lower back, and kyphosis, or an excessive rounding of the upper back.
  • Improved breathing and circulation: Good posture makes it possible for the lungs to open fully, which increases oxygen intake and breathing efficiency. It also promotes ideal blood circulation, which guarantees adequate removal of metabolic waste products and efficient delivery of nutrients and oxygen to every area of the body.
  • Enhanced vitality and efficiency: Sustaining proper posture lessens exhaustion and tense muscles, facilitating heightened vitality and focus. Good posture increases concentration, productivity, and mental alertness at work, school, and other activities by reducing discomfort and distraction.
  • Lower chance of injury: Good posture, especially as we age, lowers the risk of falls and other mishaps by preserving stability and balance. Additionally, it encourages efficient and safe movement patterns, which lowers the risk of sprains, strains, and other injuries during daily jobs or physical activity.
  • Preventing headaches and jaw discomfort: Tension headaches, neck pain, and dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) can all be caused by poor posture, particularly when sitting for long periods of time. By easing muscular tension and tightness in the neck and jaw, good posture helps lessen the frequency and intensity of these pains.

Frequently asked questions

What are the best strategies for maintaining a healthy posture while using a computer?

A good tactic is to raise the chair so that the thighs are parallel to the floor and the feet are flat on it. In order to avoid neck discomfort, they should also make sure the screen is at eye level.

Which exercises can improve posture for individuals who sit at computers for extended periods?

Chin tucks and shoulder blade squeezes are great ways to build up the muscles that maintain good posture. By including these activities in your daily routine, you can lessen the negative consequences of extended sitting.

What is the optimal setup for a computer workstation to ensure correct posture?

A lumbar-supporting chair, an elbow-height desk, and an arm-length away monitor with the top at or slightly below eye level make up the ideal configuration. To avoid going too far, keep the keyboard and mouse close at hand.

In what ways does proper computer posture impact overall health and productivity?

Reducing musculoskeletal strain and tiredness through correct posture maintenance can enhance focus and efficiency while lowering the likelihood of occupational injuries. How often should one take breaks to avoid posture-related issues from prolonged computer use?

Every thirty minutes, it is advised to take brief pauses to stand, stretch, and walk around. This promotes healthy circulation and releases tense muscles.

What are the key indicators of poor computer posture that one should be aware of?

Slouching, leaning forward, and persistent neck or back pain are indicators of bad posture. Users should evaluate their posture on a regular basis and adapt as needed.